Thursday, July 29, 2010

Graphical Modeling AutoCAD2000 Football

3DS Max modeling is football appeared in newspapers and magazines on the topic of n-see, one is inspired popular. Only in its production process in the size of the data used in some of the calculations are obtained in advance by the author, this mathematical foundation for me and so very shallow, but like probing people, is indeed a deficiency.

Of course, this does not prevent us from modeling the pace of more than one way. Now we have to use the drawing features of AutoCAD accurate, without calculation, do not even know how many black and white football block, complete with mapping to modeling soccer.

There are several shows here before:

1. This paper and all AutoCAD applications for the exchange of technology, not to encourage everyone to use it modeling. In all fairness, AutoCAD's 3D capabilities are not strong;

2. This paper describes the main idea and process, the specific command operations omitted. Little experience of friends should be easy to understand;

3. As the vector, just do not care the absolute size, we have to grasp the key is the block relationship between the relative form and position. If size requirements can also be used in the final order to adjust the size scale.

We know that football framework is a combination of two polygons, then, first of all to establish any size of a regular pentagon, hexagon one each. By moving the reference to order the Pentagon to adjust zoom to its bottom edge and hexagonal completely equal and overlap (see Figure 1).

At this point, the two polygons are still the same plane, but it should be between in the face of a angle. In this case, we let the Pentagon to keep still, by rotating the hexagon to form the angle. However, how to determine the angle of rotation value it? Then, you need to make secondary line to assist in the analysis: the cross point B, C and point B, D, respectively for the two tectonic line (xline), through point A perpendicular to line BC, AO, at the same time, for ease of understanding, we as a temporary reference hexagon, to dashed line. And as shown in Figure 2 to adjust UCS coordinates.

In the mapping process is often a need to frequently adjust the coordinate system, to improve the efficiency, we can adjust the settings saved well to facilitate the subsequent call.

Command: ucs
Enter an option [New / Move / orthoGraphic / Prev / Restore / Save / Del / Apply /? / World]
: S
Enter name to save current UCS or [?]: Int

In this case, we named this the user coordinate system "int".

Not difficult to find through observation: hexagonal rotating in place, A point should be and views to the right of the dotted line adjacent hexagonal symmetry point A''coincidence. From this, a straight line BC as the rotation axis should be rotated to the hexagon vertices A are included in the ZX plane at this time.

Figure converted coordinate system, and switch perspective. To point O as the center of a circle to line OA as radius for a round O. At this point line OB is perpendicular to the plane of circle O (see Figure 3).

Call Back stored int coordinate system (see Figure 4).

Command: ucs
Enter an option [New / Move / orthoGraphic / Prev / Restore / Save / Del / Apply /? / World]
: R
Enter name of UCS to restore or [?]: Int

Can be seen, dwarfed A circle is the point of the rotation trajectory. The circumference of the intersection with the ZX plane is hexagonal rotation in place at the location of point A should be.

The use of cut (trim) an order for the shear boundary line BD with space projection (project) shear mode circular O's side of the cut (see Figure 5). Be the arc of the endpoint P is what we need the intersection.

Remove auxiliary line switching angle for the SW. To point O serving as the base, rotating hexagonal-to-point A and point P coincide (see Figure 6).

Now, a hexagon has been rotating in place around the pentagon surrounding the other four we directly use the array (array) to complete. Pentagon for the two vertices connected with the auxiliary line on the side of the midpoint, the intersection of E center of mass, is the array reference point. Use circular (polar) array, the results shown in Figure 7.

Spherical to continue to expand. Then a hexagon as the base level, 360 掳 circular array of three pentagon (see Figure 8).

Needless to say we all know should be repeated the following array of. If the above is correct operation of each step, then we will get a seamless framework (see Figure 9).

Observed with the 3D orbit command rotation of this frame, you will find that it was such a rule: any of a polygon must have been hot core symmetry plane polygon corresponding to another, with the List command to inquire about their coordinates can be confirmed. On this basis, we can easily find hot core. Linear (Line) to connect the two symmetrical points, which point is hot core. Set it as P, for a ball (sphere), took one end of the point of capture radius of the framework (see Figure 10).

Cesi melon we will live it, to any two adjacent vertices of the polygon and point P together constitute the cut surface segmentation ball (slice). We just need the piece of pentagons and hexagons. With shade mode display (see Figure 11). At this point we can see that the role of the framework.

In the mapping process, if we can reasonably set up and use layer (layer), will enable us to work more with less. In this case, we will different types of objects were placed in a different layer, control layer to facilitate the operation was hidden and locked, and can specify the level of different color, so black and white football pattern presented.

As the function of AutoCAD software constraints, we have to make this step: a concentric sphere again, the radius of a sphere smaller than the previous. By subtraction (subtract) Boolean operation, we will cut two pieces of watermelon seeds and pulp removed, leaving the melons (see Figure 12).

The melons radial fillet on all sides, and form a coherent phase trimming. Then once around the outer surface of the melons fillet, note the values of radius twice with melons the size of the ratio of coordination (see Figure 13).

Like a few steps in front of an array of steps, now come to some circular array, but this time the object is no longer a polygon, but the melons up. Of course, the use of 3D mirror or align order to achieve the same objective, which we see the use of habits.

With a block of "melons" are spliced to the surface, football modeling is complete. We look at it a simple rendering (see figure XIV). If you are interested, you can put it in other devices with advanced rendering software rendering, as texture, the effect will be better.

Well, AutoCAD2000 football model introduced here on, I hope you can gain something after reading this article, giving top priority to make more wonderful model!


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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The nature of chain

Understanding of the chain must first clear its essence, it summarizes for us both. Understand these two aspects, it will reveal the mysterious veil of chains, so you have a new understanding of franchising, the chain's business, management process will be very clear ideas.

A chain operation is mechanized large-scale production in the circulation and application of innovation in the field

Let's look at a McDonald's chain management system introduced information:

In order to ensure QSCV (quality, service, cleanliness, value) the realization of philosophy, McDonald's has developed a code of conduct as follows:

銆??锛?锛夎惀涓氳缁冩墜鍐屻?鐢ㄦ潵璇︾粏璇存槑楹﹀綋鍔崇殑鍚勯」鏀跨瓥锛岄鍘呮湇鍔$殑绋嬪簭銆佹楠や笌鏂规硶銆傞?杩囧厖鍒嗗埄鐢ㄨ繖鏈墜鍐岋紝鍙互淇濊瘉鎵?睘杩為攣搴楁彁渚涘悓鏍锋按骞崇殑鏈嶅姟銆?br />
銆??锛?锛夊矖浣嶆搷浣滄鏌ヨ〃銆傜敤鏉ヨ缁嗚鏄庡悇宸ヤ綔娈靛簲妫?煡鐨勯」鐩?姝ラ鍜屽矖浣嶈亴璐o紝鍛樺伐鐨勬檵鍗囦笉鍙栧喅浜庤祫鍘嗐?瀛﹀巻锛岃?閲嶅湪鑳藉姏涓庤〃鐜般?鎵?湁鍛樺伐鍏ㄩ儴鎺ュ彈绯荤粺璁粌銆?br />


銆??寰堝浜鸿瀹岃繖娈垫枃瀛椾箣鍚庨兘浼氬彂鍑鸿繖鏍风殑鎰熸叏锛氣?濂借缁嗗晩锛佲?浠庝腑鎴戜滑鑳藉彂鐜颁粈涔堢瀵嗗憿锛熸瘡涓?釜鐜妭銆佹瘡涓?釜鎿嶄綔姝ラ閮芥湁闈炲父鍏蜂綋鐨勮鑼冿紝杩欎細缁欐垜浠粈涔堣仈鎯冲憿锛?br />





銆??浜屻?杩為攣缁忚惀鏄竴绉嶄紒涓氱粍缁囧舰寮徛犅?br />
銆??鏈変汉璁や负鍙戝睍杩為攣缁忚惀涓昏鏄粡钀ュ舰寮忕殑鏀瑰彉锛屾槸涓氭?鐨勪竴绉嶅垱鏂般?杩欓噷鎴戜滑瑕佺粰杩為攣缁忚惀姝f湰娓呮簮锛岃繕杩為攣缁忚惀浠ユ湰鏉ラ潰鐩?杩為攣缁忚惀涓嶆槸涓?涓氭?锛岃?鏄竴绉嶄紒涓氱粍缁囧舰寮忥紝鍥犱负锛毬犅?br />



4.杩為攣缁忚惀鏄柊鐨勫晢鍟嗗叧绯汇?宸ュ晢鍏崇郴鍜屼紒涓氬唴閮ㄥ悇鐜妭鍏崇郴鐨勮皟鏁村拰寤虹珛銆?br />

銆??鎵?互杩欓噷灏辫В鍐充簡寰堝浜哄浠?箞琛屼笟閫傚悎鍋氳繛閿佺粡钀ワ紝浠?箞琛屼笟涓嶉?鍚堝仛杩為攣缁忚惀鐨勫洶鎯戙?杩為攣缁忚惀鏈川涓婂氨鏄敓浜с?绠$悊銆佹湇鍔°?鎿嶄綔鏍囧噯鐨勫缓绔嬪拰鎷疯礉浼犳挱銆傚晢涓氶鍩熷彲浠ュ彂灞曡繛閿佺粡钀ワ紝鐢熶骇棰嗗煙鍚屾牱鍙互锛岀湅鐫?竴涓釜鐨勫垎鍘傚紑璧锋潵锛岃繖涓嶆槸寰堟槑鏄剧殑杩為攣缁忚惀鍚楋紵鍏蜂綋鐨勫唴瀹逛細鍦ㄥ悗鏂囪繛閿佺粡钀ョ殑鍒嗙被涓缁嗕粙缁嶏紝杩欓噷灏变笉璧樿堪銆?br />


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